bay leaf

[bei li:f]
  • 释义
  • 月桂树叶;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Transfer liquid into a deep container and add star anise seeds , cinnamon and bay leaf.

    将上述混合后的部分转移到一个深的容器中,再加八角, 桂皮和香叶.

  • 2、

    Add bay leaf and vegetables expect celery. Simmer until soft.

    加入香叶及所有蔬菜(西芹除外), 煮至材料软透.

  • 3、

    Simmer gently for 2 more minutes, remove bay leaf and serve warm.

    煮多两分钟, 勺出月桂叶,趁热食用.

  • 4、

    Add a bay leaf to the soup.


  • 5、

    Add the thyme, orange zest and the bay leaf.

    混合百里香 、 橙青和香叶.

  • 6、

    Black pepper may be added and the Kalmyks sometimes add bay leaf or nutmeg.


  • 7、

    Mince the orange peel until very fine . Add the thyme, orange zest and the bay leaf.

    将橙皮切成蓉. 混合百里香 、 橙青和香叶.

  • 8、

    Bay leaf is an excellent herb for mackerel.

